Awhile back we shared with you the importance of a 4” sphere. It’s time to bring it back out and take a look at your guard rails and end guard rails. Any opening within those rails must prohibit the passage of a 4” sphere according to the International Code Council. Why a 4” sphere? Because a gap larger than 4” opens up the possibility of someone falling through, especially a child that can easily pass through which is a major reason why the code was put into place – to keep our children and spectators safe and without worry while rooting for their team.

While some upgrades are highly recommended, this upgrade is mandatory for existing bleachers. Any seat or seating deck above 30” must have end guard rails at a height of 42” above the deck that prohibit the passage of a 4” sphere as well as withstand a concentrated load of 200lbs.

Front and rear guardrails are required if the height of the first tier is 30” or greater and again, must prohibit the passage of a 4” sphere as well as withstand a concentrated load of 200lbs.

The photo below is a perfect example of what your front rails should not look like. What you can’t see is the height of the first tier is actually closer to 48″. When I took this photo, I was standing on the gym floor so this is an eye level photo. But you can see the openings on the front rail are over 6″. This is more than enough room for someone to fall through.

To eliminate possible injury and liability, our Service Team at Farnham Equipment Company can bring you up to code with Hussey Seating Company’s Omni-Rails that fit any Hussey Bleacher model. If you have questions about your current railings, you can contact us directly or put in a Service Request. If you do not have Hussey Bleachers, don’t worry, our Service Team will help you find the right Maintenance Solution! Don’t wait for an accident to happen to make safety your first priority!


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